06/06/22 : JIGT2022 – The events
Find below the JIGT2022 events, updated regularly, for the International Day of Showaves and Subterranean World 2022 – #JIGT2022.
Converging views on Subterranean World
Since 2017, ANECAT (National Association of caves of France) and ISCA (International Show Cave Association) have joined forces to highlight all the diversity of the subterranean world during an exceptional event: the International Day of Caves and Subterranean World.
In 2022, ANECAT and the FFS (French Federation of Speleology) have chosen to converge their eyes to make discover this invisible world to the greatest number in a spirit of openness, accessibility and awareness.
Monday, June 6, 2022, dive in the magic of the caves of France and live an extraordinary and unique journey thanks to the many discovery activities offered!

About ANECAT – Grottes de France
ANECAT Grottes de France is an association founded in 1962 by 22 members-managers of showcaves. That means caves that can be visited with family or friends.
Now, the ANECAT brings together 76 showcaves. Those representing 70% of the french showcaves, chasms, avens and underground rivers of France, 25% of which are prehistoric sites, that aim to protect the underground environment, welcome and amaze visitors.
The managers of showcaves wish to share these places while preserving them. And also ensuring the safety of visitors thanks to facilities that respect the underground environment and facilitate access.
For that reason, has always, thanks to these facilities respectful of the protection and conservation of this exceptional heritage, the ANECAT and each member works to allow as many people as possible to be amazed and discover, in total safety, this fascinating universe that is the subterranean world.