Nearbythe caves

Let yourself be surprised! Beyond the authentic and nature shows, the caves of France invite you to discover a multitude of experiences and emotions engraved. Visiting a cave is unusual, surprising, fantastic, unexpected, mysterious, fairy discoveries giving rise to strong emotions and privileged moments to share with family and friends! The caves have not finished surprising you!

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Grotte SAINT MARCELArdèche

In the heart of the Ardèche Gorges. In the very heart of the Ardèche Canyon, on 500m pathway you will be amazed by the immensity of this cave’s galleries, the wealth of its concretions including the bewitching limestone basin (gour)waterfall which is unique in Europe. It was classed as a national...

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Grotte de BLANOTSaône-et-Loire
Grottes de SOYONSSaône-et-Loire

With its 150,000-year history, the Soyons site is a major witness to the great stages of human adventure. Since the late 19th century, excavations in the village of Soyons brought to light evidences of human occupation from the prehistoric times to the Middle Age. On the archaeological site, two...

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Site touristique, reconstitution de grotte, Centre de découverte Grotte Chauvet 2 ArdècheSaône-et-Loire

In the heart of Ardèche, the Grotte Chauvet 2 Ardèche, the largest decorated cave replica in the world features an extraordinary collection of paintings, drawings, and engravings reproduced from the Chauvet Cave, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.In the depths of a cave, the first artists in the history of Humanity painted a masterpiece : horses, lions, rhinos...

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Grotte du BOSCTarn-et-Garonne

Mysterious – Fascinating – Educational Once in the cave, you will discover a strange, extraordinary underground world where water and time reign supreme. Time is measured in centuries. The continuous action of water creates a wide variety of limestone formations known as concretions. The guided tours take you back in time. The Bosc cave, discovered in...

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On the social networks


06/06/22 : JIGT2022 – The events

Find below the JIGT2022 events, updated regularly, for the International Day of Showaves and Subterranean World 2022 – #JIGT2022. Converging views on Subterranean World Since 2017,...

Merry christmas and happy new year !

ANECAT - Grottes de France and its members wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year ! And also, beautiful underground discoveries in France and elsewhere !

Touristic caves designed ready to welcome you!

France hold an exceptional heritage of natural spaces to discover. With 108 natural caves, France ranks 3rd in the world. The development of the underground environment for visitors aims...